We're thrilled to have officially launched ACLU Voter 2020—a New Hampshire campaign to put civil rights front and center in this year’s election for governor. It’s about energizing you: the supporters of civil liberties, to mobilize and amplify civil rights in the electoral narrative and encourage candidates to take bold stances on protecting and defending civil liberties. 

ACLU Voter 2020 is focused on six key issue areas: criminal justice reform, voting rights, immigrant’s rights, privacy, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ rights. And volunteers will be asking candidates direct questions, such as: 

  • If they would allow for early voting and no-excuse absentee voting in the state,
  • If they would help end mass incarceration by instituting “good time” and allow inmates to earn time off their sentence for good behavior, and 
  • If they would protect our privacy by preventing third parties from sharing our data with the government without our consent or a search warrant.

In order to have candidates talking about civil rights, they need to hear from you—the voter. Read more about our policy platform and become a volunteer on the ACLU Voter 2020 website!